lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2022

How I left social media

 Through the years, social media has become a platform where people live, buy, sell, express themselves and several other actions happened. As a user, I´ve enjoyed many services that companies like Google, meta, tik tok, Reddit, and others. offer to us. But as a user, I also am a product containing a lot of sensitive data for advertisement. My address, age, relationship status, profession, citizenship, and other information are used for large companies to sell me products, services, and more. Why do we tolerate that kind of action? Is our privacy data well paid with social media?

I noticed that I was suffering headaches when I used social media, to be more specific: Tik Tok and Instagram, Their algorisms are strongest than other social media algorisms, and They trapped you. If you aren´t careful, you can spend hours and hours of your time, productivity, and life, watching a screen without doing anything more than scrolling. It is concerning because new generations interact each day with it; that phenomenon changes our brain structure and could affect normal development in kids and teenagers.

Because of that, I manifest my intention to the left or consistently reduce social media use, at least the more addictive ones like Instagram, Meta, and Tik Tok.

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